Welcome to my pollinator garden
where you can explore different plants that support butterflies, bees, and birds.

Garden by the Numbers


Native Genera


Pollinator Species


Habitat Certifications

Pollinator Icon Guide

Butterflies and Moths

Oftern attracted by the colors or aroma, butterflies and moths us they use the nectar for engergy.

Caterpillar Larva

Butterflies and moths lay their eggs on host plants that the caterpillars will eat as they grow.


Supports both generalist and specialist bees who relly on certain types of pollen.

Native to North America

Native plants are important to supporting local wildlife and are often resistent to our weather conditions.

Birds and Hummingbirds

Often tubular or trumpet shaped, these flowers will attract hummingbirds to visit your graden.

Beneficial Flowers

Flowers can be throughout an edible garden to attract pollinators and preditors to garden pests.



See Gallery

Hummingbird Mint

See Gallery




See Gallery
Sollicitudin Ligula

Aenean lacinia bibendum

See Gallery
Adipiscing Ornare

Aenean lacinia bibendum

See Gallery
Parturient Inceptos

Aenean lacinia bibendum

See Gallery

Common Name

Plant Breakdown

  • Native

  • Perrienial

  • Studio Photography

  • Motion Video

The Pollinators

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit ullamcorper.

  1. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet.
  2. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet.
  3. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod.
  4. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

Pictures not Included

  • Eutrochium - Joe Pye Weed
  • Rudbekia - Black Eyed Susan
  • DJI Ronin MX 3-Axis Gimbal Stabilizer
  • Canon EF100-400MM Lens
  • Wondlan Wer01 Wireless Slider Time Lapse
  • Nikon D5 24-70mm F2.8
  • Nikon Af-S 24Mm F/1.4G Ed Lens
  • Wondlan Sniper Sn 2.1 Wf Wireless Dslr Rig